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202015届印度国际陶瓷工业展会(Indian Ceramics Aisa,简称ICA)在印度·古吉拉特邦·甘地讷格尔展览中心如期举行。在过去15年里,印度国际陶瓷工业展为从业者们提供了展示产品、交流技术和商贸合作的重要平台,对行业发展发挥了重要作用,每年都吸引着多个国家的陶瓷装备和原辅材料制造商向全球专业买家展示了他们的最新产品及技术。在本届大会上,摩德娜携其隧道窑和岩板的新型技术亮相。

The 15th edition of Indian Ceramics Asia (hereinafter called ICA), which is India’s leading annual trade fair and conference for ceramic and brick Industry, is being held from 3rd to 5th March in Gadhinagar,Gujarat, India. ICA has been playing an important role in growth of the industry by giving the platform to the industry leaders for their product presentation, technology exchange and trade cooperation. And in this year, Modena makes its presence with its latest technology of shuttle kiln (for sanitary ware firing) and roller kiln (for ceramic slab firing).


Due to the influence of COVID-19, the local team of Modena India will participate in the exhibition on behalf of the headquarter of the company to showcase its newest equipment with environmental protection and energy saving technology to the audiences.


The newly-developed model (BlueTech) of shuttle kiln is being showcased by Modena in this exhibition, which can be applied for both single-layer and double-layer loaded firing. And the specification of the kiln, which can be flexibly customized as per the product and  actual production capacity, is ranging from 150 meters length or longer, maximum width 5 meters and product loading height can be 1.4 meters.


A.新增窑炉压力控制系统(Pressure Optimizing System),使窑炉操作人员可以更清晰的了解温度与窑炉压力对产品品质的影响,从而对窑炉调试提供有力的支持。

B.新型流量比例控制及气氛控制系统 ADC+:窑炉的烧成控制采用流量比例控制,并且在窑炉的排烟段,预热段,和烧成段都布置有在线式氧含量分析系统,对各段烧成效果进行实时监测,并可通过自动修正空燃流量比例来自动调节烧成过程。对节能减排有重大意义。

C.窑炉实时监控系统(Realtime monitoring system):增加了工业识别摄像机和窑车识别系统,可以在产品进窑时对窑车编号和所装载的产品进行统计。


The technical features of this new model (BLueTech) of tunnel kiln for firing sanitary wares are as follows:

A. A new pressure optimization system is added, which enables the kiln operators to have a clearer understanding of the impact of temperature and kiln pressure on product quality, so as to provide strong support for regular commissioning.

B. New flow proportional control and atmosphere control system  (ADC+): the combustion control of the kiln adopts flow proportional control, and online oxygen content analysis system is arranged in the smoke exhaust section, preheating section and combustion section of the kiln to monitor the combustion effect of each section in real time, and the combustion process can be automatically adjusted by automatically correcting the air-fuel flow proportion. It is of great significance for energy conservation and emission reduction.

C. Real time monitoring system of kiln: added industrial identification camera and kiln car identification system, which can make statistics on kiln car number and loaded products when products enter the kiln.

As soon as this model (BlueTech) is launched, it has been highly expected by the market. Customers can increase or reduce many functional modules of the kiln according to the actual production needs of their own factories, so as to achieve the optimal combination of performance and price and highlight the advantages of flexible production. In particular, it has significant advantages in energy saving, consumption reduction and product qualification rate improvement.

其次,在本届ICA展会上,摩德娜呈现的专业岩板生产线的窑炉技术,综合了其多年在大板及薄板的丰富经验,区别于一般窑炉公司的传统窑炉设计, 要点包括:





Furthermore, at this ICA exhibition, another latest model of roller kiln MSL for the high-end production of ceramic slab is being showcased as well, which is different from the traditional kiln design of the general kiln companies. The main features are as follows:

1) the burner processed by five-axis CNC machine imported from Germany has high precision and concentricity, which is a powerful guarantee for efficient and accurate combustion;

2) the proportion control of firing belt adopts a new type of small flow energy-saving burner and a matching silicon carbide burner sleeve to achieve the firing effect, which can be more accurately adjusted to keep the good shape of the ceramic slab;   

3) Its patented HSE heat exchanging and stabilizing system, in addition to the automatic collection of waste heat for reuse (to achieve energy-saving), at the same time, it also plays a role of temperature stabilization in the post rapid cooling zone during the heat exchange process (to prevent slab body cracking during the kiln feeding gap);

4) in terms of transmission, the DRI transmission design upgrading system is adopted. Because the product is a large format slab, the transmission design and installation accuracy requirements are particularly high. The power and torque of the transmission motor, the large and small helical gears and the accurate design of each single eccentric wheel are guaranteed, so as to ensure the brick type and High quality brick. In recent years, the successful cases of many high-end ceramic slab projects in India and domestic Chinese market are the crystallization of the accumulated experience of Modena technology and service team over the years.


Rooted in India for almost two decades, Modena's local sales and service team , with its high efficiency, scientific and caring service, has established a solid relationship with the local ceramic enterprises. Beyond India, our Team India is also providing strong sales and service support for surrounding countries. In the future, Modena will continue to upgrade and develop its environmental-friendly ceramic equipment, further accelerate the pace of the cooperation with global customers, and expand its global ceramic service network.




  • 尼日利亚—陶瓷企业产能转移的“新大陆” 非洲市场目前的展阶段近似于1980-1990年代的中国,空间大,增长快。顺应“一带一路”倡议,将目光投向包括尼日利亚在内的非洲大陆,少数企业已获得先机;也必将吸引更多国内陶瓷企业的关注。 —成本、环保、市场驱动中国陶瓷产能转移 近年来,受国内生产成本提高、环保政策收紧,以及市场同质化激烈竞争的影响,越来越多的中国陶瓷生产企业顺应“一带一路”倡议,将目光投向非洲市场,包括尼日利亚、肯尼亚、加纳与坦桑尼亚等国。 环保整治十多年,越抓越严,地方政府成为了传统建陶行业转型升级的背后推手。陶瓷企业被要求实施“煤改气”,生产成本大幅提升。因此,近几年陶瓷企业紧盯非洲、东南亚等地,在海外投资建厂,既能保住产能,又能走出去,拓宽海外市场。 同质化是建筑陶瓷行业的一个通病,包括产品同质化、包装推广同质化、渠道同质化等,导致中国建陶行业竞争尤为激烈。反观非洲市场,目前发展阶段近似于1980-1990年代的中国市场,增长迅速,并正朝着城市化和新技术发展迈进。 据2019年8月一份不完全统计的报道显示,特福、旺康、博达、帝缘、中交集团、新美、马可波罗、时代陶瓷等16家中资企业,在非洲共投资超过61.67亿元,建设了超过51条生产线,日产能合计超过76.95万 m²。 近年来,非洲人均可支配收入和消费增长,推动了非洲本地制造业的发展,但是依旧无法满足全部国内需求。2008年至2017年,非洲瓷砖产量从3.08亿平方米增长到7亿平方米,年复合增长率为9.5%,依然不能完全满足当地瓷砖消费需求。因此,非洲大陆仍然是世界陶瓷砖进口的第三市场。 —关于尼日利亚跨勒工业园区 尼日利亚是非洲最大的经济体和市场,2018年GDP3,970亿美元;也是非洲人口最多的国家和最大的消费市场,拥有1.98亿人口。尼日利亚拥有非洲最丰富的天然气储量(197 TCF),全球排名第9,可为制造业提供具有成本竞争力的基础能源。 中国是尼日利亚进口瓷砖的最大来源地。作为“一带一路”合作伙伴,中国投资友好目的地,尼日利亚是中国在非洲投资最多的国家。建筑行业目前以中国企业为主,尼日利亚8家瓷砖制造厂中,有6家是中国企业。充满活力的建筑行业有着对瓷砖等日益增长的需求,建筑业是尼日利亚全国GDP的第四大贡献者,瓷砖及相关建筑材料需求稳步增长,增长前所未有。 陶瓷原料方面,尼日利亚拥有许多天然存在的固体矿物质,包括长石,高岭土和其他陶瓷和玻璃原料。 三角州是尼日利亚的36个州之一,富含原油和天然气。跨勒工业园(KwaleIndustryPark,KIP)位于尼日利亚三角州,专门为陶瓷、玻璃等高耗能行业设计,并旨在解决与尼日利亚制造业相关的大多数重大挑战,例如电力、港口通道等。园区跨越10Km2,提供世界一流的基础设施和支持服务,包括中央燃气和电源、水、住房等。 跨勒工业园区被设计为尼日利亚的“陶瓷制造基地"。 它将是非洲瓷砖生产的中心,目标是为尼日利亚的陶瓷制造提供尽可能高的利润。跨勒工业园区提供比尼日利亚其他地区更具竞争力的天然气和电力成本。与尼日利亚其他现有瓷砖厂相比,跨勒工业园区的天然气和电力成本便宜25-35%,天然气为5.5美元/MMBTU,电力为0.11美元/千瓦时。因为跨勒工业园区非常靠近许多天然气田和天然气管道,最近的气田距离500米,不需要长输气管道,提供最高级别的能源供应可靠性,地理位置优势使得低能源成本成为可能。 跨勒工业园区地理位置优越,靠近尼日利亚的主要市场,也靠近更通畅的港口和机场,并且位于自由贸易区,能享受联邦、州和地方税费和税收的完整豁免期,以及投资激励与其他奖励措施。 跨勒工业园区的愿景是成为非洲最理想的陶瓷制造基地。正如尼日利亚三角州州长瓦伊尼·奥科瓦博士所言:三角州政府邀请您利用这一机会,布局非洲最大的市场,尤其是在尼日利亚境内利润最高的地区。尼日利亚正在开放,跨勒工业园将是您开展业务的最终目的地。 如果国内企业希望了解更多关于尼日利亚的信息,以及考察尼日利亚三角州及跨勒工业园区,可发送电子邮件:info@gasinvestlimted.com 或 Lex@chemweekly.com 尼方将提供信息咨询,商务签证、机场迎宾和当地考察提供支持和服务。 完整的园区介绍小册子,请访问:http://www.chemweekly.com/2020/kwale.pdf 【详情】

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主办:中国陶瓷工业协会  地址:北京市西城区广安门外大街168号朗琴国际B座1019室  ICP备案号:京ICP备15055412号-1